Councilman Craig Dunwell and David Foster (AKA Chicken Reporter) have been working hard to spread lies about Alpha's council members and the Pohatcong Police Department. Foster writes false news stories and openly shares his bias slant, promoting Dunwell and his buddies on Alpha's main news forum. Foster's unethical style of journalism is alarming to Alpha residents who follow our local news. In addition, Foster refused to cover the Alpha election once Craig Dunwell lost. Yet Dunwell and his buddy, Lou Cartabona, publicly praise Foster for his coverage as beat reporter.
Friends of Craig Dunwell say he is suddenly regretting his behavior. Dunwell and his relatives are said to feel uncomfortable thanks to a lawsuit against Craig Dunwell for his possibly illegal actions. The suit also focuses on Diane Hoffman's involvement, in addition to acts of online harassment from her daughters, Jamiann Regensburger and Jennifer Odell. When Craig Dunwell and his relatives get nervous they cover their tracks. Diane Dunwell Hoffman has deleted the Facebook account and Photobucket account that she opened for the purpose of defaming several private Alpha residents who exposed her nephew during his campaign. Craig Dunwell is obviously feeling the heat too...he has a long history of commenting on under numerous user accounts. One is LetsRoll:
Comments from Duwnell's account seem to be missing. Here's what we saved:
Call the NJ Attorney General and demand they take over the investigation!
Posted on Phillipsburg police detective charged with firing gun near Alpha cemetery grave on November 21, 2011, 10:37AM
Call the Attorney General and demand they take of the investigation!
Posted on Warren County prosecutor claims Phillipsburg detective broke no state statutes in cemetery shootingon November 21, 2011, 10:36AM
I am glad you were willing to speak your mind! If those who don't want to see Stettner be held accountable for the crimes he committed try to intimidate you into being quiet, then we all lose.
Thanks to David Foster for covering the stories in Alpha!
Posted on Alpha man shoots himself in the foot, Pohatcong Township police say on November 21, 2011, 10:31AM
If the residents who really care to see real justice instead of the p'burg political machine sweeping this under the rug then we need to flood, I mean really FLOOD, the attorney General Dow's department of criminal justice with letters demanding their taking over the investigation
Send your letters to their email: or call toll free 1-866-tips 4cj (866.847.4725)
Posted on Phillipsburg Detective James P. Stettner II denied hearing, seeing shots after allegedly firing themon November 19, 2011, 12:46AM
I sent this story to
their website is full of stories of this kind of double-standard, where the cops assume they are above the law, and get royally pissed whenever they are held to any sort of account, much less the same standards of behavior and compliance with the law they enforce on the rest of us!
their website is full of stories of this kind of double-standard, where the cops assume they are above the law, and get royally pissed whenever they are held to any sort of account, much less the same standards of behavior and compliance with the law they enforce on the rest of us!
Posted on Phillipsburg Detective James P. Stettner II denied hearing, seeing shots after allegedly firing themon November 19, 2011, 12:45AM
If the residents who really care to see real justice instead of the p'burg political machine sweeping this under the rug then we need to flood, I mean really FLOOD, the attorney General Dow's department of criminal justice with letters demanding their taking over the investigation
Send your letters to their email: or call toll free 1-866-tips 4cj (866.847.4725)
I tried to call but the voicemail is full. But, I did send an e-mail.
I tried to call but the voicemail is full. But, I did send an e-mail.
Posted on Phillipsburg police detective charged with firing gun near Alpha cemetery grave on November 17, 2011, 11:26PM
I sent this story to there website is full of stories for this kind of double-standard, where the cops assume they are above the law, and get royally pissed whenever they are held to any sort of account, much less the same standards of behavior and compliance with the law they enforce on the rest of us!
Posted on Phillipsburg police detective charged with firing gun near Alpha cemetery grave on November 17, 2011, 9:34PM
Your right, Chief Hagar should remember the oath of office that he swore to uphold the constitution and the Laws of the State of New Jersey. Impavid put one of the many laws that one would think that, off duty policeman Stettner may have committed. If Pohatcong police don't prosecute this correctly than maybe Alpha Boro should start thinking about replacing Pohatcong Police as their contracted Police coverage. Just saying, if Chief Hagar rather be friends with this guy' father, as the article indicated, than serve and protect the safety and peace of Alpha residents it would be an indication of poor police coverage and or breach of contract.
I agree that maybe Attorney General Dow should take over this case and this should be strictly scrutinized.
What has been described that Stettner did is awful. You should know my disgust at such behavior by a person who is suppose to be of the caliber of a civilized man, that we allow to be in charge of keeping the law. Those in his position are supposed to be the example of doing the right thing and are held at a higher standard that regular citizens.
Posted on Phillipsburg police detective charged with firing gun near Alpha cemetery grave on November 17, 2011, 8:48PM
It would have been nice if you mentioned the size of the dog!
Anyway, I hope whe recovers from the attack and I'm glad her dog is not seriously hurt!
Posted on Monroe County woman, dog attacked by bearson November 11, 2011, 7:05PM
Sorry, for you losing your job, but it’s hard to sympathize with you. Public employees have kept getting raises while the taxpayers in the private sector haven't. We all are now forking over more of whatever wealth we still have, because the real-estate evaluations the local government base their revenues on, are in the dung heap. Loss of private sector jobs only further the needs for more cuts. Now, you are joining the list of the un-employed or under-employed, but you will receive benefits that many un-employed have run out of. They will be under water with their homes soon if not already. The house of cards is crumbling.
Sorry, for you losing your job, but it’s hard to sympathize with you. Public employees have kept getting raises while the taxpayers in the private sector haven't. We all are now forking over more of whatever wealth we still have, because the real-estate evaluations the local government base their revenues on, are in the dung heap. Loss of private sector jobs only further the needs for more cuts. Now, you are joining the list of the un-employed or under-employed, but you will receive benefits that many un-employed have run out of. They will be under water with their homes soon if not already. The house of cards is crumbling.
When the cost of government is unsustainable you have to cut back. Blame should go to the democrats and RINO republicans who started the housing bubble fiasco back in the late 1970's. Now you have a collapsed economy and government union workers are not willing to help shoulder the burden that their neighbors carry. Get your unions to agree to austerity and salary cuts or freezes and we will all start to work together for a recovery! Then I'll sympathize more!
Posted on New Jersey 23rd Legislative District Republicans Michael Doherty, John DiMaio, Erik Peterson re-elected on November 09, 2011, 12:00PM
Bobbysands - go to : and click: view a candidate report, then: type in "Harry" "Zikas" click go.
You'll see a list of Harry Zikas Jr. reports and years. Go to 2003 Primary (Clik) then go to C#1 and you'll get a copy of a report of Harry receiving $500 from the town engineer at the time -Schoor Depalma Inc.
You can judge for yourself whether this type of political "contribution" was really a kick-back or not!
David Foster should have followed up with this!
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 08, 2011, 1:37PM
JD7371 So you are endorsing Harry's Official misconduct. ...Corruption at it's finest.
As for other dirt, start reading the other posts; deleting government e-mails, accepting money from town engineers while sitting as mayor and other accusations are starting to fly. We can just imagine what the State Ethics people will drag up!
As for other dirt, start reading the other posts; deleting government e-mails, accepting money from town engineers while sitting as mayor and other accusations are starting to fly. We can just imagine what the State Ethics people will drag up!
By your defamatory comments about Dunwell, you are making great assumptions about him, or in another way of saying you are making an a** of yourself. Unless you have some real proof for a concrete basis for a valid opinion, you should try to phrase you thoughts as conjecture not fact.
Regarding what a person does with their own time: you are stating the byline of the socialists who are destroying our country. A free man does what he chooses. "Work for 8 hours" as you say, is the patter of the Global plantationist. These Corporation monstrosities would place everyone on some sophisticated type of plantation so you work your "8 hours" then go home to your cabin that "they provide you". Think about it!
I hope you change your tune before you get sucked into total group think!
I hope you change your tune before you get sucked into total group think!
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 07, 2011, 11:43AM
Ezekial25 - don't forget ZPF (Zonfinger, Perrucci and Ferguson) made a handsome profit at the expense of Phillipsburg and Warren County Taxpayers when the Warren County Community College bought their building (Old Commerce Bdlg.) for a "Satelitte Campus"
Impavid - I agree with you, shame on Alpha voters if they vote for the Zikas Brothers!
BTW, I read some hard hitting stuff about Asphalt plants in the Alphamatters (dot) org web site.
The people who oppose the Asphalt plant here in Lopatcong should visit and see what they are getting if they allow this to go through!
The people who oppose the Asphalt plant here in Lopatcong should visit and see what they are getting if they allow this to go through!
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 06, 2011, 10:17AM
It is good to see Foster starting to report on these things. I wonder if he will report on the money that Harry Zikas took from the Alpha Engineer (Schoor Depalma) at the time when he was mayor for his re-election. They passed Pay-to-Play laws against this political back scratching since then.
I'm waiting for the report from the state ethics Commision on that one!
I voted for Dunwell, Wistuk and Cartabona. These candidates seem to really care about our community. All were against the Asphalt plant and the pollution and other detriments it would have done to Alpha. Carol Schwar is good too and if she doesn't win this year I'll vote for her next year!
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 04, 2011, 7:48PM
Hey are you posting about P'burg in an article about Alpha?
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 04, 2011, 8:11AM
Why do you still drive around with Mayor plates, four years after you were mayor, Harry?
You think you are above the Law!
Arrogance comes before a fall!
Posted on Former Alpha Mayor Harry Zikas Jr. e-mail from 2006 'worrisome' to state ethics official on November 04, 2011, 8:09AM
Wow, the site has some awesome videos of asphalt plants burning! Good Stuff for firefighters in Lopatcong to see, if they are to come to grips with what it will be like to fight a fire at the proposed asphalt plant!
The EPA reports are interesting too!
Posted on Lopatcong Township OKs asphalt plant in the face of a lawsuit on October 21, 2011, 11:48AM
WArern Hospital: Research Litz and he seems to be brought on to hospitals in order to sell them. follow the story! And he get's big buck, so also follow the Money!
Posted on Pa. tax plan worth look; Oxford school hosts Medicine Chest Challenge - Oct. 12 letters to the editoron October 12, 2011, 2:35PM
Hey, is Berg, standing around NY, with the "Occupy Wall Street" crew?
Posted on Safe Harbor in better position; ceremony for ex-football players a treat - Oct. 11 letters to the editoron October 12, 2011, 2:33PM
Wgasaw, I agree that the old gaurd of Alpha Council persons should be replaced.
The town resident/voters already had elected two freshman council persons in Dunwell and Pfeferle.
they have been voted down everytime they tried to institute new wise policies, by the oldtimers!
they have been voted down everytime they tried to institute new wise policies, by the oldtimers!
But, for the lawsuit suggestion, I DISAGREE. Alpha resident are already taxed enough already and you are suggesting to further hurt the people. There is no fun in all this, and I hope this ends real soon!
Posted on Alpha says no to helping with family's softball injury bills, mother says on October 12, 2011, 2:27PM
Krackerman, you should look to the past Alpha Council and their lack of leadership for who "dropped the ball". Current council is a step up from the past "morons" you are talking about. Which council person in 2009 or 2010 was handling the insurance when they forgot to include the rider? Was it perhaps Councilman Harry Zikas? The failure of the past was that they choose to pay the insurance on behalf of the AYAA. The right thing to do was to pay a money contribution to the AYAA and let the AYAA send the insurance company a check, this way the town doesn't appear to be in a position that they are now in. Past leadership failures brought about this!
Forget the lawsuit you are insinuating that would give the family loads of money.
All things consider, a "payment to the family in lieu of what the town residents should have paid for the insurance rider that was dropped is a reasonable thing, as long as the current town coucil is released from the responsibitlity that actually belongs to the AYAA.
Posted on Alpha says no to helping with family's softball injury bills, mother says on October 12, 2011, 2:17PM
Makes one wonder if castration of sexual predators should be the penalty for second convictions!
Posted on Teen sexually assaulted while being housed by Warren County-wide homeless assistance program, authorities say on October 12, 2011, 2:00PM
Which woman are you talking about? What School District is she a board member?
Which woman are you talking about? What School District is she a board member?
Posted on Warren County worker alleges retaliation after voicing grievances, lawsuit says on October 09, 2011, 9:09AM
Todd has my vote too!
Posted on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution discussion on October 08, 2011, 12:46PM
Looks like the former posting I did earlier today was removed, why? Was it because the powers behind the newspaper didn't like my comments?
I think it was over the top that Mr. Sweigert made such outlandish comments about the people's representatives in the town council. Code of ethics for a "professional" police chief would mandate that he be fired or at least reprimanded for his outbursts. Frustration doesn't give excuse to this using the newspaper to make such derogatory comments, period!
Posted on Belvidere police, town council at odds over proposed contract concessions, records show on October 08, 2011, 12:46PM
Mayor Wyatt gets the town to give him part of the right of way behind his house! Wow, special favors or what? Does anyone know if he paid the town for this property or did the then council just give him another bone for his playing the fool for Michael P?
Dave Foster you have given some credible reporting in the past, I'd like you to do some real investigating into this, you can start with OPRA and town minutes!
Dave Foster you have given some credible reporting in the past, I'd like you to do some real investigating into this, you can start with OPRA and town minutes!
Posted on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution discussion on October 08, 2011, 8:15AM
Filing a New Jersey School Ethics Commission complaint aginst a school board member is the usual tactic that school boards take when they don't like a member and don't want him around! This appears to be the same old - same old sleazy tactics being employed by the Hackettstown School Board.
Do you remember that Friscasso was the one who exposed how the school board was going to use "back door" attempts to raise the school superintendents salary to avoid Governor Christy's freeze?
So here come the political payback for being an honest guy and standing up for the people of Hackettstown! Enough said!
Do you remember that Friscasso was the one who exposed how the school board was going to use "back door" attempts to raise the school superintendents salary to avoid Governor Christy's freeze?
So here come the political payback for being an honest guy and standing up for the people of Hackettstown! Enough said!
Posted on Hackettstown School Board member ethics complaint sent to administrative law judge on October 08, 2011, 7:52AM
So are you saying that P'burg's success would be better under a corrupt regime than an honest guy?
You should've lived back in the USSR, they would have liked your kind!
You should've lived back in the USSR, they would have liked your kind!
Posted on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution discussion on October 08, 2011, 7:45AM
I agree!
Posted on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution discussion on October 08, 2011, 7:41AM
Barbara, I know of the illegal denial of benefits quoted in the article. I'll contact Attorney McDonnell and give him the name and dates. We are proud of you and will support your decision all the way!
Posted on Warren County worker alleges retaliation after voicing grievances, lawsuit says on October 08, 2011, 7:37AM
GET "your facts right"! YOU ARE IGNORANT of the fact that Dunwell grew up in Alpha!
Posted on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare, parent says on October 02, 2011, 10:42AM
thanks P-burg Watch! keep up the good work!
Pburgpatriot, shame on you! Alpha is a great place to live and work in and you are ignorant!
If you look at the average cost per call, that the pohatcong police respond to in Alpha, you get a much higher cost for police coverage than in the surrounding towns. Alpha can afford services, they have a 2.8 million budget, but the council has to spend that money responsibly.
The existing police contract has a clause that mandates a letter be sent to Pohatcong in order to properly notify them of any intention to change the contract or not to renew it. Alpha is looking into lowering the cost of police services and wants Pohatcong to join them at the bargaining table. The letter is not an insult, just the right business practice according to contract law. I applaud the council persons who voted for the letter. Those council persons who voted against the letter should spend some time studying contract law or resign if they are not up to the job
Posted on Alpha wants to renegotiate police contract with Pohatcong Township on October 02, 2011, 10:26AM
FEMA money is like "Obama" money! You give to those according to their "need" and take from those according to their "Abilities" or “We must spread the wealth around”!
Those are the words of Socialistic Communism.
Those who chose to live in a flood zone or not use due diligence to protect their property if the power goes out, shouldn’t take from the hard earned dollars of others to replace their property (wealth)
I know of a person in Hunterdon County who had no electric during hurricane Irene. The basement flooded and FEMA bought him a brand new washing machine. This person makes about $75,000 a year. How Convenient to get someone else to pay for a new washer!
Why does someone in, let's say, Ohio, have to pay for this person's washer?
Socialism = cradle to grave welfare! Take from the earners and give to those who rather rely on government handouts then use wisdom and effort to protect their wealth!
Wait a second, what am I talking about! In today’s America, all property belongs to the Collective and the bureaucrats decide who gets the privilege to hold on to some of it for a while!
That is if you vote the way they want!
That is if you vote the way they want!
Posted on Did you check to see if the neighborhood you live in is flood prone before moving there? on October 02, 2011, 10:04AM
Go to the original Dave Foster artice about the Alpha incident. If the lapse of coverage issue is clearly looked at then that mother has every right to demand to have compensation. If you rund an athletic club and let the participating families know their children are insured, then let that insurance lapse, then shame on them.
Posted on Your comments: Should youth sports leagues be responsible for an injured player's medical bills? on September 30, 2011, 10:58AM
Rememer the old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand word"? Looking at this picture and seeing Doug Steinhardt behind Kern, makes me think that the Express_times is trying to send a message.
My warning To Mayor Kerns: Stay as far away from Steinhardt as possilbe or else you will be branded as part of the Perrucci-Steinhardt machine!
That being said, I like Kern and will give him a chance to prove himself!
Posted on Pohatcong Township forms committee for new and improved website on September 30, 2011, 10:50AM
Dianna_Rogulski, I can't believe you are on the side of Violence! No One, no matter what they say or whatever their attitude is, should be assaulted! Assaulting a person is a criminal action and those doing so should be punished and here you are saying grow up to the person allegedly assaulted.
Of course the coach is innocent until proven in a court of Law, but let's let the law work!
Posted on Mom claims Phillipsburg community cheerleading coach attacked her on September 30, 2011, 10:44AM
Carlglas, the issue is whether the town is obligated to pay or not. If it's true, that normally the town carried the correct insurance, then this girl's accident would have been covered, like the other children who got hurt in the past were covered.
Reading the Article, one could think that either Councilwoman Tarsi, Mayor Hanics or another person responsible for maintaining the correct issurance failed in their job.
Did the mother have a reasonable expectation that her child was covered. If this is the case, then the town should pay.
Did the mother have a reasonable expectation that her child was covered. If this is the case, then the town should pay.
If you were an Alpha resident you would know that Councilman Dunwell was elected to council, because the residents of Alpha were tired of the status quo hacks like Tarsi, Zikas, and Hanics. They have been negligent in their jobs. Dunwell is mad as H_ll, that things like this have to come to a head because we have such poor performance by those who sat on there arses doing nothing for the town and collecting a taxpayer funded check. Look at Zikas who hardly comes to meetings and when he does, he shows the town he is a do nothing and thanks to his brother he has this politics as usual stint of grazing from the public trough! Now he and his brother want to be elected again, shame shame!
If the residents of Alpha want to same old - same old, then shame on them if they re-elect the two Zikas brothers and Hanics.
Posted on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare, parent says on September 30, 2011, 10:35AM
Most of the comments here have veered off topic. But, Thurman2 you are on topic, but only partly right. Right to remember Ed Hanics at election time, and Remember his opponent Craig Dunwell. Councilman Dunwell recongizes the mediocre job Ed Hanics is doing and will do a much more professional job as mayor, so I will vote for Craig Dunwell.
About the issue of whether the town is obligated to pay or not. In this specific instance, if it is true that normally the town carried the correct insurance that would have covered this girl's accident, and either Councilwoman Tarsi, Mayor Hanics or another person responsible for maintaining the correct issurance failed in their job, then the Mother is correct to ask the town to pay the cost, since she had a reasonable expectation that her child was covered. If this is the case, then the town is obligated to pay. But, under no circumstance do I endorse going to court over this, if she does only the lawyers will win, the taxpayers will have to foot the bill, so please keep this out of court.
If there was never any type of coverage and the Mother signed a waiver, then the town has no obligation to pay, but if we started a collection of only $2 per town resident then this would be paid for voluntarily, so why not start a petition to have the town council pay this with a resolution and we all can feel good about helping a hurting family.
Posted on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare, parent says on September 30, 2011, 12:49AM
The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism.
In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation.
Posted on Belvidere councilman decries 'socialist' policies in sustainability effort on September 21, 2011, 12:17PM
Have you wondered where these terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high density urban mixed use development' came from? Doesn't it seem like about 10 years ago you'd never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with...what?
Councilman Clemmer has stated the truth and is looking out for the freedoms of his Belvidere constituency that would be surrendered if the Town give in to Sustainablity programs pushed by the Agenda 21 front groups.
Go to:
Posted on Belvidere councilman decries 'socialist' policies in sustainability effort on September 21, 2011, 12:13PM
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