October 25, 2011

Lower Lows for Councilman Craig Dunwell...Again

Does Craig Dunwell have any remaining supporters in Alpha? If so, we would love to hear from them to learn why. We won't hold our breath. We really doubt anyone will be voting for Dunwell this November.

We often joke about Councilman Dunwell sinking to new lows, but today's tip really takes the cake.

On Friday, October 21st, Alpha acknowledged the great loss of one of New Jersey's finest, Patrolman Joseph Wargo Jr. of Mount Arlington. His funeral was held at St. Mary Church of Alpha and was attended by over 3000 mourners.

As usual Councilman Craig Dunwell displayed his self-serving attitude when he "called the Pohatcong Township Police Department and complained about the streets being blocked off" for the funeral!

It was also reported that Chief of Police Paul J. Hager and Seargeant Jeffrey Greenemeir "were not happy" regarding Dunwell's inappropriate complaints.

What do you think, Alpha? Are there any reasons why a delusional, narcissistic lunatic such as Craig S. Dunwell should be Alpha's next mayor?

Alpha is aware that Dunwell has a history of acting out against his neighbors, fellow council members, and Alpha's town employees so often that we rarely needs to share Dunwell-related news, as the truth is being spread by word of mouth just in time for the election.

This is incredibly poor timing for Craig Dunwell to be outed as having an "anti-cop" agenda. And quite a blow, so soon after his hate-filled propaganda was discovered posted all over :http://www.lehighvalleylive.com under the user account name "LetsRoll":


Here is one of Councilman Craig Dunwell's comments:

If you look at the average cost per call, that the pohatcong police respond to in Alpha, you get a much higher cost for police coverage than in the surrounding towns. Alpha can afford services, they have a 2.8 million budget, but the council has to spend that money responsibly.
The existing police contract has a clause that mandates a letter be sent to Pohatcong in order to properly notify them of any intention to change the contract or not to renew it. Alpha is looking into lowering the cost of police services and wants Pohatcong to join them at the bargaining table. The letter is not an insult, just the right business practice according to contract law. I applaud the council persons who voted for the letter. Those council persons who voted against the letter should spend some time studying contract law or resign if they are not up to the job
Posted on Alpha wants to renegotiate police contract with Pohatcong Township on October 02, 2011, 10:26AM

Save Alpha! Re-elect honorable Ed Hanics.

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