Hoffman can be found under her usual screen name, "Jardinami", as well as countless others. Hoffman's nephew, Craig Dunwell, is also logging in under several user accounts.
Hoffman's Jardinami
Dunwell's LetsRoll
Dunwell's use of the screen name "LetsRoll" has been confirmed by numerous friends.
Hospital: Research Litz and he seems to be brought on to hospitals in order to
sell them. follow the story! And he get's big buck, so also follow the Money!
on Pa. tax plan worth look; Oxford school hosts Medicine Chest
Challenge - Oct. 12 letters to the editor on October 12, 2011,
is Berg, standing around NY, with the "Occupy Wall Street" crew?
on Safe Harbor in better position; ceremony for ex-football
players a treat - Oct. 11 letters to the editor on October 12, 2011,
I agree that the old gaurd of Alpha Council persons should be replaced.
town resident/voters already had elected two freshman council persons in
Dunwell and Pfeferle.
they have been voted down everytime they tried to institute new wise policies, by the oldtimers!
they have been voted down everytime they tried to institute new wise policies, by the oldtimers!
for the lawsuit suggestion, I DISAGREE. Alpha resident are already taxed enough
already and you are suggesting to further hurt the people. There is no fun in
all this, and I hope this ends real soon!
on Alpha says no to helping with family's softball injury
bills, mother says on October 12, 2011, 2:27PM
you should look to the past Alpha Council and their lack of leadership for who
"dropped the ball". Current council is a step up from the past
"morons" you are talking about. Which council person in 2009 or 2010
was handling the insurance when they forgot to include the rider? Was it perhaps
Councilman Harry Zikas? The failure of the past was that they choose to pay the
insurance on behalf of the AYAA. The right thing to do was to pay a money
contribution to the AYAA and let the AYAA send the insurance company a check,
this way the town doesn't appear to be in a position that they are now in. Past
leadership failures brought about this!
the lawsuit you are insinuating that would give the family loads of money.
things consider, a "payment to the family in lieu of what the town residents
should have paid for the insurance rider that was dropped is a reasonable
thing, as long as the current town coucil is released from the responsibitlity
that actually belongs to the AYAA.
on Alpha says no to helping with family's softball injury
bills, mother says on October 12, 2011, 2:17PM
one wonder if castration of sexual predators should be the penalty for second
on Teen sexually assaulted while being housed by Warren
County-wide homeless assistance program, authorities say on October
12, 2011, 2:00PM
woman are you talking about? What School District is she a board member?
on Warren County worker alleges retaliation after voicing
grievances, lawsuit says on October 09, 2011, 9:09AM
has my vote too!
on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during
resolution discussion on October 08, 2011, 12:46PM
like the former posting I did earlier today was removed, why? Was it because
the powers behind the newspaper didn't like my comments?
think it was over the top that Mr. Sweigert made such outlandish comments about
the people's representatives in the town council. Code of ethics for a
"professional" police chief would mandate that he be fired or at least
reprimanded for his outbursts. Frustration doesn't give excuse to this using
the newspaper to make such derogatory comments, period!
on Belvidere police, town council at odds over proposed
contract concessions, records show on October 08, 2011, 12:46PM
Wyatt gets the town to give him part of the right of way behind his house! Wow,
special favors or what? Does anyone know if he paid the town for this property
or did the then council just give him another bone for his playing the fool for
Michael P?
Dave Foster you have given some credible reporting in the past, I'd like you to do some real investigating into this, you can start with OPRA and town minutes!
Dave Foster you have given some credible reporting in the past, I'd like you to do some real investigating into this, you can start with OPRA and town minutes!
on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution
discussion on October 08, 2011, 8:15AM
a New Jersey School Ethics Commission complaint aginst a school board member is
the usual tactic that school boards take when they don't like a member and
don't want him around! This appears to be the same old - same old sleazy
tactics being employed by the Hackettstown School Board.
Do you remember that Friscasso was the one who exposed how the school board was going to use "back door" attempts to raise the school superintendents salary to avoid Governor Christy's freeze?
So here come the political payback for being an honest guy and standing up for the people of Hackettstown! Enough said!
Do you remember that Friscasso was the one who exposed how the school board was going to use "back door" attempts to raise the school superintendents salary to avoid Governor Christy's freeze?
So here come the political payback for being an honest guy and standing up for the people of Hackettstown! Enough said!
on Hackettstown School Board member ethics complaint sent to
administrative law judge on October 08, 2011, 7:52AM
are you saying that P'burg's success would be better under a corrupt regime
than an honest guy?
You should've lived back in the USSR, they would have liked your kind!
You should've lived back in the USSR, they would have liked your kind!
on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution
discussion on October 08, 2011, 7:45AM
on Phillipsburg Councilman Todd Tersigni falters during resolution
discussion on October 08, 2011, 7:41AM
I know of the illegal denial of benefits quoted in the article. I'll contact
Attorney McDonnell and give him the name and dates. We are proud of you and
will support your decision all the way!
on Warren County worker alleges retaliation after voicing
grievances, lawsuit says on October 08, 2011, 7:37AM
"your facts right"! YOU ARE IGNORANT of the fact that Dunwell grew up
in Alpha!
on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare,
parent says on October 02, 2011, 10:42AM
P-burg Watch! keep up the good work!
shame on you! Alpha is a great place to live and work in and you are ignorant!
you look at the average cost per call, that the pohatcong police respond to in
Alpha, you get a much higher cost for police coverage than in the surrounding
towns. Alpha can afford services, they have a 2.8 million budget, but the
council has to spend that money responsibly.
existing police contract has a clause that mandates a letter be sent to
Pohatcong in order to properly notify them of any intention to change the
contract or not to renew it. Alpha is looking into lowering the cost of police
services and wants Pohatcong to join them at the bargaining table. The letter
is not an insult, just the right business practice according to contract law. I
applaud the council persons who voted for the letter. Those council persons who
voted against the letter should spend some time studying contract law or resign
if they are not up to the job
on Alpha wants to renegotiate police contract with Pohatcong
Township on October 02, 2011, 10:26AM
money is like "Obama" money! You give to those according to their
"need" and take from those according to their "Abilities"
or “We must spread the wealth around”!
are the words of Socialistic Communism.
who chose to live in a flood zone or not use due diligence to protect their
property if the power goes out, shouldn’t take from the hard earned dollars of
others to replace their property (wealth)
know of a person in Hunterdon County who had no electric during hurricane Irene.
The basement flooded and FEMA bought him a brand new washing machine. This
person makes about $75,000 a year. How Convenient to get someone else to pay
for a new washer!
does someone in, let's say, Ohio, have to pay for this person's washer?
= cradle to grave welfare! Take from the earners and give to those who rather
rely on government handouts then use wisdom and effort to protect their wealth!
a second, what am I talking about! In today’s America, all property belongs to
the Collective and the bureaucrats decide who gets the privilege to hold on to
some of it for a while!
That is if you vote the way they want!
That is if you vote the way they want!
on Did you check to see if the neighborhood you live in is
flood prone before moving there? on October 02, 2011, 10:04AM
to the original Dave Foster artice about the Alpha incident. If the lapse of
coverage issue is clearly looked at then that mother has every right to demand
to have compensation. If you rund an athletic club and let the participating
families know their children are insured, then let that insurance lapse, then
shame on them.
on Your comments: Should youth sports leagues be responsible
for an injured player's medical bills? on September 30, 2011,
the old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand word"? Looking at this
picture and seeing Doug Steinhardt behind Kern, makes me think that the
Express_times is trying to send a message.
warning To Mayor Kerns: Stay as far away from Steinhardt as possilbe or else
you will be branded as part of the Perrucci-Steinhardt machine!
being said, I like Kern and will give him a chance to prove himself!
on Pohatcong Township forms committee for new and improved
website on September 30, 2011, 10:50AM
I can't believe you are on the side of Violence! No One, no matter what they
say or whatever their attitude is, should be assaulted! Assaulting a person is
a criminal action and those doing so should be punished and here you are saying
grow up to the person allegedly assaulted.
course the coach is innocent until proven in a court of Law, but let's let the
law work!
on Mom claims Phillipsburg community cheerleading coach
attacked her on September 30, 2011, 10:44AM
the issue is whether the town is obligated to pay or not. If it's true, that
normally the town carried the correct insurance, then this girl's accident
would have been covered, like the other children who got hurt in the past were
the Article, one could think that either Councilwoman Tarsi, Mayor Hanics or
another person responsible for maintaining the correct issurance failed in
their job.
Did the mother have a reasonable expectation that her child was covered. If this is the case, then the town should pay.
Did the mother have a reasonable expectation that her child was covered. If this is the case, then the town should pay.
you were an Alpha resident you would know that Councilman Dunwell was elected
to council, because the residents of Alpha were tired of the status quo hacks
like Tarsi, Zikas, and Hanics. They have been negligent in their jobs. Dunwell
is mad as H_ll, that things like this have to come to a head because we have
such poor performance by those who sat on there arses doing nothing for the
town and collecting a taxpayer funded check. Look at Zikas who hardly comes to
meetings and when he does, he shows the town he is a do nothing and thanks to
his brother he has this politics as usual stint of grazing from the public
trough! Now he and his brother want to be elected again, shame shame!
the residents of Alpha want to same old - same old, then shame on them if they
re-elect the two Zikas brothers and Hanics.
on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare,
parent says on September 30, 2011, 10:35AM
of the comments here have veered off topic. But, Thurman2 you are on topic, but
only partly right. Right to remember Ed Hanics at election time, and Remember
his opponent Craig Dunwell. Councilman Dunwell recongizes the mediocre job Ed
Hanics is doing and will do a much more professional job as mayor, so I will
vote for Craig Dunwell.
the issue of whether the town is obligated to pay or not. In this specific
instance, if it is true that normally the town carried the correct insurance
that would have covered this girl's accident, and either Councilwoman Tarsi,
Mayor Hanics or another person responsible for maintaining the correct
issurance failed in their job, then the Mother is correct to ask the town to
pay the cost, since she had a reasonable expectation that her child was
covered. If this is the case, then the town is obligated to pay. But, under no
circumstance do I endorse going to court over this, if she does only the
lawyers will win, the taxpayers will have to foot the bill, so please keep this
out of court.
there was never any type of coverage and the Mother signed a waiver, then the
town has no obligation to pay, but if we started a collection of only $2 per
town resident then this would be paid for voluntarily, so why not start a
petition to have the town council pay this with a resolution and we all can
feel good about helping a hurting family.
on Alpha softball practice turns into insurance nightmare,
parent says on September 30, 2011, 12:49AM
specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which
has its basis in Communitarianism.
a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and
not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners.
It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the
government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in
general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the
governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed
into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment
centers and transportation.
on Belvidere councilman decries 'socialist' policies in
sustainability effort on September 21, 2011, 12:17PM
you wondered where these terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high
density urban mixed use development' came from? Doesn't it seem like about 10
years ago you'd never heard of them and now everything seems to include these
concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and
nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and
government policies to align themselves with...what?
Clemmer has stated the truth and is looking out for the freedoms of his
Belvidere constituency that would be surrendered if the Town give in to
Sustainablity programs pushed by the Agenda 21 front groups.
on Belvidere councilman decries 'socialist' policies in
sustainability effort on September 21, 2011, 12:13PM
justice, oh, maybe partial justice, because I'm sure the county taxpayers lost
tens of thousands of dollars from prosecuting this lame lady! The judge should
have ordered her to pay restitution of what it cost to prosecute her and also
the lost interest that money could have been earning!
like, Freeholder Chamberain, I am glad this is finally over!
on Lucinda Janda, former Warren County landfill clerk, pleads
guilty to theft, tampering with public records on September 14,
2011, 8:02PM
way ordinances are passed is very clear in the law. If the township legislators
didn't follow the law, the ordinance will be tossed. I commend the Marinelli's
and James families. They are willing to put the township elected officials
through the legal process of defending their actions, which is part of being
accountable. If the officials are found out to be in the wrong, then Lopatcong
voters should boot em out of town!
I understand, citizens are given the opportunity to review a proposed ordinance
after its first reading and first passing on the vote of the township
committee. When the ordinance comes up for the second reading, then the citizen
is well informed about what they have a chance to comment about during public
comment. It the town amends the ordinance after the first reading then they
tried to pull one over on the voters and are outlaw legislators, IMHO.
the trial begin and we will see what happened!
on Lopatcong Township law that permits paving companies subject
of lawsuit on September 12, 2011, 2:40PM
agee with you adidas. Ane the reporters for the Express are within that power
structure so they only provide a slanted view. Truth be damned, the
consolidating of power must continue!
anyone was honest, they would look at current contractual obligations that
Pohatcong have that would have to be resolved before they participate in a
regional police force. The Lawyers behind this don't want the Express times to
report on this so they are NOT!
issue will not go away!
on Pohatcong Township officials explain withdrawal from
regional police force talks on September 07, 2011, 12:24PM
Jersey voters better wake up. The truth is; Europe is about to collapse, Obama
is in collusion with the private banking cartel called the Federal Reserve Bank
that is sucking us dry by inflating the currency, Union thugs like Jim Hoffa
are calling for violence against Americans and Obama does't renouce him,
Americans are still coming home from overseas in Body bags, Socialist have
taken over the whitehouse, and we are heading into a Global plantation. Cloward
and Pivens is alive!
believe in the New Jersey motto of Liberty and Prosperity. You can't have
prosperity without Liberty. Unions want card check and take from the workers
the right to a private vote. Their leaders are taking their members' money out
of their pockets, without choice, and sending that money to largely socialist
agenda programs. The list of what is wrong with the current unions goes on...
Jersey needs lower taxes. One way to move forward without huge tax increases,
is to repeal the prevailing wage law. The law that gives Unions control over
public money capital projects. Does Oroho and gang support repealing prevailing
wage. With the $136K in donations, maybe the 24th Republicans should think
about returning the measely 15K donation from the unions. The union knows the
Democrats in the 24th have a snow ball chance in H_ll to win, so they are
playing their cards with the status quo.
The independent candidates are the best choice for the future of this state.
The independent candidates are the best choice for the future of this state.
on New Jersey labor organization touts endorsement of
Republicans in 24th District on September 07, 2011, 11:56AM
agree with MattinEaston. Pennsylvania has stood with the right to keep and bear
arms for individuals to protect themselves from thugs. Pennsyvania has open
carry rights still intact. If Mr Eells or his friends had openly carried
weapons, the shooting would not have occured.
But, thankfully Mr. Eells was able to get his legally concealded weapon to hand, and was able to stop a murder, that is what would have happened to him if not carrying!
But, thankfully Mr. Eells was able to get his legally concealded weapon to hand, and was able to stop a murder, that is what would have happened to him if not carrying!
on Temple University student, teen suspect trade gunfire
on September 07, 2011, 11:02AM
payers need to revolt, because the salaries have become so over-weighted that
the school system is revolting to my stomach!
on Phillipsburg area schools hire administrators, including new
Alpha superintendent on August 16, 2011, 4:38PM
was wondering if Lopatcong has an application for building the Asphalt plant
started here yet?
on Intercounty Paving Associates withdraws application for
asphalt plant in Alpha on August 16, 2011, 4:09PM
about a follow up! You didn't see Councilman Alex Zikas at Alpha borough's
meeting last night either!
March 11, he hasn't been at many meetings!
on Alex Zikas blames work as electrician for missed Alpha
Borough Council meetings on August 10, 2011, 2:34PM
Cnty Democrat Chairman Perrucci and current Warren Cnty Republican Chairman
Steinhardt together, along with ex-governor Jim "Flim-Flam" Florio
and a whole posse of lawyers in their law cartel, are organized to separate the
Warren County taxpayers from their money every "legal" way they can.
If it smells bad it probably is!
forget that Perrucci's brother, sister, niece and other's aligned with him
through nepotism and favoritism are feeding off the public dole in one way or
another! Do your research, and follow the money, it all flows to the Perrucci
machine cartel.
who else but, Phillipsburg councilman and (DRJBC) Bridge commission sycophant
Dave "the rave" Degerolamo was hired by Inter-county Paving
Associates. So much for political payback!
on Your comments: Was it appropriate for a Phillipsburg
councilman to use a council meeting to address political campaign issues? on
August 10, 2011, 2:11PM
Perrucci et all tied to Asphalt applicant public contractor Inter-county
Cnty Democrat Chairman Perrucci and current Warren Cnty Republican Chairman
Steinhardt together, along with ex-governor Jim "Flim-Flam" Florio
and a whole posse of lawyers in their law cartel, are organized to separate the
Warren County taxpayers from their money every "legal" way they can.
If it smells bad it probably is! Poor Phillipsburg takes the brunt of it, so
keep on bending over for your daily dose of typical P'burg Politics!
forget that Perrucci's brother, sister, niece and other's aligned with him
through nepotism and favoritism are feeding off the public dole in one way or another!
Do your research, and follow the money, it all flows to the Perrucci machine
cartel. Also, who else but, Phillipsburg councilman and (DRJBC) Bridge
commission sycophant Dave "the rave" Degerolamo (Kevin's Brother) was
hired by Inter-county Paving Associates. So much for political payback!
for the Fed's to look into all this!
on Stephanie Rummerfield hired as Phillipsburg elementary
teacher, but with opposition on August 10, 2011, 2:02PM
I couldn't agree with you more! Ex-Warren Cnty Democrat Chairman Perrucci and
current Warren Cnty Republican Chairman Steinhardt together, along with
ex-governor Jim "Flim-Flam" Florio and a whole posse of lawyers in
their law cartel, are organized to separate the Warren County taxpayers from
their money every "legal" way they can. If it smells bad it probably
forget that Perrucci's brother, sister, niece and other's aligned with him
through nepotism and favoritism are feeding off the public dole in one way or
another! Do your research, and follow the money, it all flows to the Perrucci
machine cartel. Also, who else but, Phillipsburg councilman and (DRJBC) Bridge
commission sycophant Dave "the rave" Degerolamo was hired by
Inter-county Paving Associates. So much for political payback!
on Intercounty Paving Associates withdraws application for
asphalt plant in Alpha on August 10, 2011, 1:58PM
the idea that any Warren County school boards would give back to the people.
so happily extract thousands of dollars a year out of the pockets of those
measly peons, so why would they even consider giving a few dollars back to them
and hurting the happiness of the school cartel!
on Extra 2011-12 school aid does not translate to tax cuts in
Warren County on July 20, 2011, 11:02AM
are right! "Prevailing wage" laws were made to benifit the union
contributors to Democratic campaigns, period! Not helping the taxpayers, but
fleecing them like sheep!
is time for the Taxed Enought Already patriots in New Jersey to get their butts
in gear and sweep out the career politicians.
on Warren County freeholders, others oppose Assembly bill
targeting contract costs on July 13, 2011, 8:59AM
of the New Jersey tea Party Organizations" you are familiar with don't
openly support candidates, they support constitutional principles and it's up
to the candidates to tell the voters if they will hold up to an oath to the
constitution or not. There is no way the dems will win after reading the letter
from Leslie Huhn, we realize what a lost puppy she and her cohorts are!
Debate should be for all candidates not just those of two party! BTW read
Washington's farewell address about not having parties (paragraph 20), read the
whole address, it is great reading! http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/milestones/farewell/text.html
on New Jersey's 24th District Republicans accept Democrats'
challenge to debate on July 12, 2011, 6:34PM
on Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Emrick calls for one-year moratorium
on Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission increase - UPDATE on
June 24, 2011, 12:26PM
Rowan, Did you read my post? I don't want to see the P'burg taxpayers get
shafted by attoryney fees. The town needs to reduce of refund the money to a
reasonable amount PERIOD!
on Town of Phillipsburg cuts woman's lawn, charges $650
on June 24, 2011, 12:14PM
comments about this is a MONEY making SCHEME for A.T.S. and the township is
very True.
fatalities have gone down is true, but so is the amount of REAR END collisions!
states have been banning RED LIGHT Camera systems. Go to: www.motorists.org/red-light-cameras/bad
ONLY support Red Light Cameras, if they are used by an Officer who is at the
scene and pulls over the Perp., and then uses the pictures as evidence. ANY
OTHER way is unconscionable!
on Red light cameras to be installed in Pohatcong Township
on June 24, 2011, 12:01PM
a bad decision from the "leaders" of this town.
sure an intelligent person, given such an outrageous bill, will demand it
changed to a reasonable amount. Then when these jokers refuse to change it, as
they probable won't, the issue of fair billing will go to Superior Court in
Belvidere and the town will have to pay attorney fee's and court costs when the
Judge rules that it was not a valid amount and change the amount lower. The
town will lose money, so will the homeowner and no one wins but the lawyers.
BUT. that is the way the system is set up, isn't it?
the homeowner - look up information on how easy and cheap it can be to file a
small claims case without a lawyer, http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/ , but seek the
advice of a License Attorney if at all possible. You probably will have to pay
the bill first then go ahead with a lawsuit, if they haven't amended it to a
reasonable cost.
on Town of Phillipsburg cuts woman's lawn, charges $650
on June 23, 2011, 9:54AM
for beef, turkey ham is a little steep don't you thinK?
on Alpha to celebrate 100th anniversary this weekend
on June 22, 2011, 3:24PM
the best of my knowledge, hollow points are legal to possess, just not legal to
use in commission of a crime, even a 4th degree misdeamoner!
Attorney's care to take a stab (no pun intended) at this?
on Phillipsburg man faces charge after allegedly shooting at
dog on June 22, 2011, 3:22PM
thanks for your comments, bingo -right on the mark! May I make a observation or
yes- he should of resigned.
2. Why would anyone vote for him again? let's see -Mom, dad, brother, sister, girlfriend and boyfriend, now that's 5 votes, his brother got seven, let's see if which one does better!
3. He doesn't do a good job for the borough -PERIOD! And speaking of attendance, his attendance might even be less than 50% when you add in budget meetings and other meetings that are not on the regular schedule.
4. The people are awake, and looking at last year's election, they won't vote these "parasites" back in. I hope they continue to give the new people a chance!
5. The real election in November will be between Cartabona, Schwar and Wistuk, which two out of these three are best hasn't been determined!
2. Why would anyone vote for him again? let's see -Mom, dad, brother, sister, girlfriend and boyfriend, now that's 5 votes, his brother got seven, let's see if which one does better!
3. He doesn't do a good job for the borough -PERIOD! And speaking of attendance, his attendance might even be less than 50% when you add in budget meetings and other meetings that are not on the regular schedule.
4. The people are awake, and looking at last year's election, they won't vote these "parasites" back in. I hope they continue to give the new people a chance!
5. The real election in November will be between Cartabona, Schwar and Wistuk, which two out of these three are best hasn't been determined!
on Alex Zikas blames work as electrician for missed Alpha
Borough Council meetings on June 22, 2011, 3:10PM
you Thank you for stating the TRUTH!
is the face of Obamacare sticking its ugly head out for all to begin to see!
on Phillipsburg Emergency Squad changes billing policy,
angering officials, residents on May 30, 2011, 5:02PM
are really good comments "dedaninn".Now what you need to do is
utilize the mandatory right to petition that Phillipsburg has under the State
up Faulkner act. We can force any vote on the November ballot we want. Fire the
mayor, or get rid of a town council member. Void any current code (law) you
don't want. Or create a law just like you suggested , unique to the town!
Petition, Petition, petition!
Let's Roll!
Let's Roll!
on Public comment limits to be enforced at upcoming
Phillipsburg Council meetings on May 07, 2011, 12:43PM
- you have great comments! The below are my thoughts!
Comparing the two letters. You can see that Mr. Mitzak is going on Brian
Tipton's (his bosses lawyer) game plan of personal attacks!
2. Mr. Cartabona's April 29th letter doesn't claim to present facts only the RIGHT TO QUESTION!
3. Why is Mitzak ranting about: "Does he have a degree as an asphalt expert"? Mr Mitzak does resort to playground juvenile behavior. Does it matter what schools or professional inclination Mr. Cartabona has, Mr. Mitzak just wants to invalidate his freedom of speech, i.e. (if your not an "expert" don't speak about the subject). I can't seem to understand why Tipton, Mitzak and others think it is alright to suppress peoples first amendment rights!
4. What witty false information is Mr Mitzak alleging to in the April 29th letter? Mr. Cartabona didn't mention Brian Tipton's law firm by name. His claim about Tipton losing all credibility, is against Tipton's personal acts not against his associates at Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt and Fader.
5. Mr Mitzak asks: "Do the good people of Alpha really believe they should follow this propaganda?" The answer to that is : "many good people of Alpha feel the need to hear the answers to the questions that many town residents are asking, and they should go to the May 18th meeting and make up your own mind!"
6. What was relevant, in Mr Cartabona's letter, is the right to question whether Alpha Officials should throw away their own zoning rules just to accommodate Mr. Mitzak's employer and the few employees who would run the plant, and is there any REAL benefit to Alpha as a whole.
7. Lastly, Mr. Mitzak own admission and profession of knowledge, of a Cooper's Hawk and its' close proximity to the site of the proposed Asphalt plant, further emphasizes the point about questioning what impact this plant will have on wildlife!
2. Mr. Cartabona's April 29th letter doesn't claim to present facts only the RIGHT TO QUESTION!
3. Why is Mitzak ranting about: "Does he have a degree as an asphalt expert"? Mr Mitzak does resort to playground juvenile behavior. Does it matter what schools or professional inclination Mr. Cartabona has, Mr. Mitzak just wants to invalidate his freedom of speech, i.e. (if your not an "expert" don't speak about the subject). I can't seem to understand why Tipton, Mitzak and others think it is alright to suppress peoples first amendment rights!
4. What witty false information is Mr Mitzak alleging to in the April 29th letter? Mr. Cartabona didn't mention Brian Tipton's law firm by name. His claim about Tipton losing all credibility, is against Tipton's personal acts not against his associates at Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt and Fader.
5. Mr Mitzak asks: "Do the good people of Alpha really believe they should follow this propaganda?" The answer to that is : "many good people of Alpha feel the need to hear the answers to the questions that many town residents are asking, and they should go to the May 18th meeting and make up your own mind!"
6. What was relevant, in Mr Cartabona's letter, is the right to question whether Alpha Officials should throw away their own zoning rules just to accommodate Mr. Mitzak's employer and the few employees who would run the plant, and is there any REAL benefit to Alpha as a whole.
7. Lastly, Mr. Mitzak own admission and profession of knowledge, of a Cooper's Hawk and its' close proximity to the site of the proposed Asphalt plant, further emphasizes the point about questioning what impact this plant will have on wildlife!
you said "Federation", Punk-like tactics seem to be what Alpha
residents are seeing from Inter-county paving Associates, their lawyer and
their employee, Mr. Mitzak!
on Tom Corbett should take a page from Teddy Roosevelt's book;
Chrin landfill geology deserves closer look - May 1 letters to the editor on
May 04, 2011, 5:28PM
Article Express-times! Was there a sunshine law violation in the process of
hiking the tolls!
on The Morning Note: What's behind the Delaware River Joint
Toll Bridge Commission's sudden toll increase plan? on May 04, 2011,
see - two trips (Minimum) to Easton a day. That is over $700.00 per year. that
is enough for paying my cable bill!
Toll bridge commission are a bunch of money grubbers, full of cronies, using
the public's money for OTHER THAN BRIDGE business. IMHO that is criminal
taking. Oh..... for want of the good ole days of tar and feather !
on Tolls to increase on Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge
Commission spans on May 02, 2011, 7:02PM
on school boards are like hiring foxes to guard the hen house, or wolves
guarding sheep. Either the sheep get "sheared" or the hens' eggs get
eaten! The conflict of interest is huge since NJEA teachers union operatives
are wily in how to control the "education" industry!
on Bernard Brotzman and Mahy Churylo not retained on
Phillipsburg, Greenwich Township school boards on April 28, 2011,
the residents of Alpha and Shimer Manor in Pohatcong should question the
Asphalt plant proposal in the industrial zone. The fumes from the fire, which
were acute, and the threat that occurred, making it necessary to close windows
and remain indoors, may be indicative of what potential fumes could be in the
air from a hot mix asphalt plant. Alpha Zoning Board hearing is May 18th and
7:30 for those who would like to question this proposal!
are glad no one was hurt and Linde is still in operation. Many jobs could have
been lost. Thank you firemen and hazmat people for all your hard work keeping
us safe!
on Alpha explosion was in an outdoor storage facility at Linde
North America plant - UPDATE on April 27, 2011, 4:03PM
an article about a freeholder visiting a school is hardly the right venue to
post your beliefs about Scott Garett. I'm not saying you are wrong, just not
picking the best place for people to take you seriously. You seem to have a
real hardon for this congressman. When are you going to run for congress?
on Warren County Freeholder Jason Sarnoski gives Oxford Central
School students a lesson in government on April 14, 2011, 4:34PM
The cost will be by the hours and the closest spots will be taken by those who
can afford to pay $10 or twelve dollars for a long time use. This would create
parking spots for the wealthy only. The majority of the counties residents that
have to do business there, don't want to pay such great costs for parking and
will be prevented to have equal access. What about jurors who already have to
loose a day's pay at work, to go serve. They have no choice and will be some of
those who greatly suffer if the town puts this plan into action.
land and roads that developed by the courthouse, were given to the county for
all the people to use equally, This money making idea creates an unjust system
and is a direct unlawful contradiction to the intentions of the giver of the
most towns, Belvidere's lack of conservative spending policies created the
situation there in. Creating a special tax on users of the roads next to County
Government Buildings or the Park is an Absurd use of taxation and those folks
who founded Belvidere, Centuries ago, would roll in their graves at such a
thought as this, if that was at all possible!
only agreeable use of parking meters would be if the time was limited to two
hours (not all day for the wealthy's benefit) and ALL REVENUE was escrowed for
the use of repaving, plowing and basic care of only the roads that the meters
are on. This is like for toll roads. Our form of government lawfully can not
create a revenue stream (taxation) that doesn't directly and uniformly impact
the service given to those who pay. To use any funds extracted from visitors to
the county seat for any other Belvidere "projects" or expenses is
repugnant to the constitution.
the only people who really benefit, are the people who are making and selling
these machines. The benefit to Belvidere will be minimal and they will create
more of a cost to that town's budget than those floating this idea think!
People will hate the Belvidere town council if they go through with this, mark
my words!
on Warren County Freeholders raise concerns over proposed
parking meters in Belvidere on April 14, 2011, 3:51PM
reports failures then Water department well reports quagmire and all are status
quo for the ineptness you see with the recent town managers (council)
it sound funny that 100 percent of the town public works employees salaries are
paid from the water sewer dept. but eighty percent of their work is not in
water and sewers.
ask councilwoman Klara Tarsi if this is her way of saying that Alpha residents taxes are "really" low.
Nothing like the old bait and switch.
ask councilwoman Klara Tarsi if this is her way of saying that Alpha residents taxes are "really" low.
Nothing like the old bait and switch.
the guy has to return the money paid him, what about the inept councilperson
responsible for hiring and managing him?
on Part-time sewer operator failed to submit monthly sewer
reports for Alpha since June 2009 on December 20, 2010, 5:35PM
bad those camera's weren't up and running. A private citizen has a right to
vidoe record the public right of way, sidewalk, street and his own premises.
on Manager of Cather's Food Mart concerned about response to
robbery on December 20, 2010, 5:18PM
wonder how much money the Phillipsburg School District gave to that company,
and if any P'burg School peole got kickbacks?
Just a thought!
Just a thought!
on Circle System conspirator, former Long Branch High School
athletic director, pleads guilty on November 22, 2010, 10:09PM
Govenor has been working very hard to make this state financially sound. It
took many years of mismanagement by the former administrations, both Republican
and Democrats, to get to the shape were in, and it will not be a walk in the
park to solve all our financial problems. People don't like severe austerity
cuts, but it has to be done, when you don't have enough tax revenue.
are TAX ENOUGH ALREADY, this spells TEA, this means TEA Party!
Governor, has been recognized for his strength over the years fighting public
corruption. In my book that makes him one of my hero's - if not the hero of
many who are fed up with those who get into public office and then betray the
people who put them there. Did you read the article about the High School
Athletic Director convicted of taking bribes and Kickbacks! These people are
why we are broke as a state! That guy was just one who got caught, we wonder
how many others just like him are out there! Those corrupt public employees are
the one hurting the children, just remember that!
on N.J. Gov. Chris Christie brings it to the teachers' union
during visit to Warren County on November 22, 2010, 10:02PM
Jason, The better candidate for the people won! The people voted and now is the
time for Angelo to gracefully throw his support to you for the general election
in November!
are hoping to continue the trend to restore our Republic on a local and
national level.
look forward to the next few years of your work on the Freeholder board and
will hope to see the board meetings move occasionally to some of the town
halls, as you said would be a great idea!
on Jason Sarnoski wins Republican nod for Warren County
freeholder over Angelo Accetturo - UPDATE on June 09, 2010, 2:30PM
Jason, The better candidate for the people won! The people voted and now is the
time for Angelo to gracefully throw his support to you for the general election
in November!
are hoping to continue the trend to restore our Republic on a local and
national level.
look forward to the next few years of your work on the Freeholder board and
will hope to see the board meetings move occasionally to some of the town
halls, as you said would be a great idea!
on Jason Sarnoski wins Republican nod for Warren County
freeholder over Angelo Accetturo - UPDATE on June 09, 2010, 2:15PM
you read the total article by Bill Wichert you read that Angelo wants to keep
doing business as usual, like hiring his buddy Lazorisak.
don't know if this guy Lazorisak is the right man for the job or not, but this
being an example of cronyism smacks the taxpayer in the face with the fact That
Accetturo is a "business as usual" politician.
I think it is time for a more honest and open government, it doesn't seem that we get that with Accetturo, does it?
I think it is time for a more honest and open government, it doesn't seem that we get that with Accetturo, does it?
My vote will be for Sarnoski!
Bill for a great article.
ps. check out the great letter to the editor in the Express_times. by Harold Warne
ps. check out the great letter to the editor in the Express_times. by Harold Warne
on Incumbent Angelo Accetturo squaring off with challenger
Jason Sarnoski on May 30, 2010, 9:23PM
is the real deal! A citizen who wants to go in and clean house.
has the energy and the know how to maximize the efficiency and bring county
government out into the open. Shed light, and the cockroaches flee!
is time for the county residents to see what is going on and start dismantling
the county political machine!
The county machine is both Democrats and R.I.N.O. REpublicans in bed together
is the pursuit of growing government!
am Taxed Enough Already! Aren't you?
on Field trips should be sensible; Get rid of sock puppets on
freeholder board - May 10 letters to the editor on May 10, 2010,
the tele# for the Governors office?
on Freeholder Angelo Accetturo announces support for Warren
County Community College Phillipsburg campus proposal on February
26, 2010, 10:36PM
the newpaper article making you look bad is all that it took. That article
misrepresented you badly and swoosh, Buckled under the pressure!
was never a question of whether it is a good idea (it is).
is always a question of is this the right property (Perucci's) or is it the
right price (stick it to the taxpayer).
on you, you too easily swayed. Doesn't it bother you that Perrucci who sits on
the College's foundation board, which funds Projects for the college, now has
the college buy his property(s). This is a bad case of the appearance of
conflict of interest and self dealing that makes voters want to puke!
YOu are going to lose your re-election!
YOu are going to lose your re-election!
on Freeholder Angelo Accetturo announces support for Warren
County Community College Phillipsburg campus proposal on February
26, 2010, 9:09PM
like your post. This is what I posted under the opinion article: Freeholder to
College...:drop dead.
wonder why we don't trust newspapers any more. I was at the meeting on Feb.
24th for the Board of School Estimates. The "whole" story the express
times claims is rather shallow and trite. The fact that they title this above
as: "Freeholders to College Expansion: Drop Dead" is further proof of
their tendency to mis-characterize the truth. No one on the freeholder board
said anything like that, and the express is trying to sway public opinion
against the two Freeholders who voted no to the budget resolution. Express is
allegedly a democratic controlled organization who has space in this building
and are biased against the Republican Freeholders anyway.
The real truth is that the Board of School Estimates Attorney left the meeting when Freeholder Chairman Gardner called for an adjournment, so they could take care of the Boy Scouts waiting in the hall for the regular freeholder meeting. When the Board of School Estimates meeting re-convened, over an hour later, their Attorney was missing. The Motion for approval of the budget had "stipulations verbally added by the college's representative to the board (he is a lawyer). Like any who practices due diligence, when there are definite legal ramifications to the verbiage offered, you need the Attorney's review before the Freeholders could make a decision. They have to protect the citizens that they represent, not just a privileged few.
Furthermore, you mention Perucci as owner. Well the other owner was at the meeting and the whole discussion puts the county at a disadvantage at negotiating the buying price, unless that has already been agreed to behind closed doors. As far as Perucci goes, are you not in the least concerned about the appearance of undue influence. The man sits on the College foundation, which funnels donations to the College. Then He gets them to buy his building? "I'll scratch your back, you scratch my back even better"!NO conflict of interest, eh?
As for Dr. Austin, saying that the only other acceptable site is Hillcrest mall, which also is allegedly owned by Perrucci, well that speaks volume.
doesn't the Express tell this part of the "whole Story"?
Governor Christie, the crime fighter should investigate all this. Hmmm, now
let's see, what's his number! Gota go, time to find the phone book!
on Warren County Community College plans for satellite campus
in limbo as freeholders consider borrowing on February 26, 2010,
wonder why we don't trust newspapers any more. I was at the meeting on Feb.
24th for the Board of School Estimates. The "whole" story the express
times claims is rather shallow and trite. The fact that they title this above
as: "Freeholders to College Expansion: Drop Dead" is further proof of
their tendency to mis-characterize the truth. No one on the freeholder board
said anything like that, and the express is trying to sway public opinion
against the two Freeholders who voted no to the budget resolution. Express is
allegedly a democratic controlled organization who has space in this building
and are biased against the Republican Freeholders anyway.
The real truth is that the Board of School Estimates Attorney left the meeting when Freeholder Chairman Gardner called for an adjournment, so they could take care of the Boy Scouts waiting in the hall for the regular freeholder meeting. When the Board of School Estimates meeting re-convened, over an hour later, their Attorney was missing. The Motion for approval of the budget had "stipulations verbally added by the college's representative to the board (he is a lawyer). Like any who practices due diligence, when there are definite legal ramifications to the verbiage offered, you need the Attorney's review before the Freeholders could make a decision. They have to protect the citizens that they represent, not just a privileged few.
you mention Perucci as owner. Well the other owner was at the meeting and the
whole discussion puts the county at a disadvantage at negotiating the buying
price, unless that has already been agreed to behind closed doors. As far as
Perucci goes, are you not in the least concerned about the appearance of undue
influence. The man sits on the College foundation, which funnels donations to
the College. Then He gets them to buy his building? "I'll scratch your
back, you scratch my back even better"!
NO conflict of interest, eh?
NO conflict of interest, eh?
for Dr. Austin, saying that the only other acceptable site is Hillcrest mall,
which also is allegedly owned by Perrucci, well that speaks volume.
Why doesn't the Express tell this part of the "whole Story"?
Why doesn't the Express tell this part of the "whole Story"?
Governor Christie, the crime fighter should investigate all this. Hmmm, now
let's see, what his number! Gota go, time to find the phone book!
on OPINION: Freeholders to community college expansion: Drop
dead on February 26, 2010, 6:28PM
temporary reprieve. What will happen next? BHO will release more stim money and
say; "hey look how I have saved the economy!"
these government sector jobs don't create any wealth, to replace that which
funds it. You need Private sector to do that.
I see more recession!
on OPINION: Stimulus is a public-sector reprieve, still a
private-sector disappointment on February 23, 2010, 5:44PM
it estimated how long will the savings pay back the initial capital outlay that
the taxpayers will have to foot the bill, after the grant?
about up keep, repair and maintenence? Futute replacement of parts degraded
over time? Are those figures given to the taxpayers?
on Lopatcong Twp. awards contract to kick off $1.62 million
solar panel project on February 18, 2010, 11:05AM
like the Chamber is removing the private enterprise type of individual, who
promotes commerce as a free market capitalist (growth for the economy), for the
"insurance sydicate" health care mob. Guess they are betting on BOH
and the far left congress to pull of the take over of 25% of more of the
current GDP. The socialist will promote programs for them selves not for free
market. I am withdrawing from the Chamber of Commerce!
on Warren County Regional Chamber of Commerce to hold annual
meeting on February 18, 2010, 10:51AM
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